Samstag, 30. Juni 2012

Big party at the Badehaus

We had a BIG party at the Badehaus with DJ Addy and his Dancers, having a lot of fun and some sexy girlz and guyz to look at. Thanks to all who did participate.

Sonntag, 17. Juni 2012

The Late Night Talk

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Samstag, 9. Juni 2012

Wanderlust - Part two

The next Sim we visited was THE INEVITABILITY OF FATE. This is the story:

A story about Angry Beth and Lot
Lot turned eight, the sun did shine and all were happy.
But then the war came and all did change.
A harsh hand ruled their world.
They were forced to leave.
They were separated from each other.

Wanderlust - Part one

Addy wanted to see something new, so he took his backpack and together we explored Delicatessen - Petrified